Pepita 2021

IGT Toscana Rosso

Production vintage 2021:

9'070 bottles

Bottling date: May 3rd, 2023

Serving temperature 16-18°C

Production area

Hilly lands at about 300m above sea level,

near Montenero d'Orcia.
The soil is rich in clay and of low fertility.
Spacing: 2,35 x 0,90 m.
Surface: 2 ha.

Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Montepulciano and Alicante. Manual harvest, with accurate grape selection of the best bunches.

Weather conditions

Mild winter with low rainfall. In February and March temperatures were above the average, anticipating the beginning of the vegetative cycle. A drastic drop in temperatures occurred in the night between April 7th and 8th. The usual late winter pruning limited the freeze damage, which however led to a reduction of the quantity of bunches per plant. The lower production made it easier for the vines to face a dry and drought summer, avoiding excessive stress to the plant, which kept a healthy and
luxuriant leaf wall until the harvest.

Fermentation of the 4 varieties in short and wide stainless steel tanks of 37hl, at temperatures below 28°C.

10 months in mainly used 500 liters tonneaux.

The blend is made one month before bottling.

Intense and young purple red.

The peppery taste of the Alicante and the pyrazines of the Cabernet are dominating, framed in noble spices from the barrels.

Inviting with the sweetness of the Merlot that is well balanced by the structure of the Montepulciano.

The tasty fruit is leading to a long and involving aftertaste.